Research Brief: Math Teachers’ Gender-Specific Beliefs About Mathematical Aptitude
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, David Quinn, & Ian Thacker
Persisting stereotypes and beliefs that certain disciplines require innate ability and individuals from different ethnic backgrounds or genders have different ability levels seriously impede students’ academic career paths... read more.
Research Brief: The Role of Warm Constructs in Fraction Learning
Ian Thacker, Jessica Rodrigues, & Gale Sinatra
Mathematics teaching and learning does not occur in an emotional vacuum. The extent to which people engage in and learn difficult content is influenced by motivational and emotional factors, also called warm constructs... read more.
For the Love of Math
After overcoming huge obstacles, Yasemin Copur-Gencturk is changing the way we teach... read more.
Update from Yasemin Copur-Gencturk
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk and Collaborators
We are excited to share progress on a cluster of Math Initiative research studies led by Yasemin Copur-Gencturk that have been making rapid progress... read more.
Research Brief: Mathematics Teachers' Implicit Race- and Gender-Biases
Yasemin Copur-Gencturk, Ian Thacker, & Collaborators
Mathematics teachers can significantly affect students’ perceptions of their mathematical ability and future career choices. Hence, it is important for teachers’ assessments of students’ mathematical abilities to be free from bias. Still, most research conducted on teacher bias has failed to discern... read more.
Research Brief: An Instructional Approach for Remediating a Fraction Misconception
Jessica Rodrigues, Ian Thacker, & Gale Sinatra
Our study explores a brief instructional approach for helping teachers overcome a mathematics misconception. We know from prior research that some teachers incorrectly overgeneralize the whole number rule of “multiplication always makes bigger” to multiplication with fractions... read more.
Research Brief: Epistemic Cognition and Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Ian Thacker, Gale Sinatra, & Richard Rasiej
Over the last three decades, there has been increased attention to the problem of how students should convince themselves and others that mathematical statements are true. For example, the Common Core State Standards considers ... read more.
Math Initiative Quarterly Update
We are excited to share with you our Math Initiative update. Back in May, we held the invitational Math Initiative Symposium, which brought together teacher educators, scholars of mathematics education, and mathematicians to establish a research agenda. In the months following the symposium, we have made huge strides... read more.
Read About the Symposium
For two days, some of the country's top math education researchers gathered at USC Rossier to plan ways to improve elementary math education across the country... read more.
Read About the Herman+Rasiej Math Initiative
Read the article published in USC News to learn more about the creation of the Joan Herman and Richard Rasiej Mathematics Initiative... read the article.